
Near, Far And Huge Pointers

This thread contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Nitesh User Do not delete 5 years, 12 months ago.

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    • #53670

      What Are Near, Far And Huge Pointers?

    • #53672

      Near pointer:

      1) A near pointer is a 16-bit pointer to an object which is contained in the present segment like code portion, information section, stack portion, an additional section. It holds just offset address.

      2) The compiler can create code with a near pointer and does not need to concern itself with segment addressing, so utilizing near pointers is quickest, and produces the littlest code.

      3) The impediment is that you can just access 64kb of information at once on the grounds that that is the measure of a portion – 64kb.

      Far pointer:

      1) A far pointer is a 32-bit pointer to an object anyplace in memory. It must be utilized when the compiler allocates a segment register, or we can say the compiler must allocate segment register to use far pointers.

      2) These pointers hold 16-bit section and 16-bit offset address.

      3) This takes extra instructions and extra time, so it is the slowest and largest method of accessing memory.

      Huge pointers:

      1) Huge pointers are additionally far pointers, for example, a 32-bit pointer the thing that matters is that the huge pointer can be expanded or diminished consistently between any sections and can have any a value from 0 to 1MB.

      2) The huge pointer is a solid pointer to something with a vast lump of memory, and there is no portion: offset boundaries. Or on the other hand, in short, a huge pointer is the real memory address, without reference to any portion register.

      Nitesh Bavishiya

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