
Graphic Design Career

This thread contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Kiran 5 years, 10 months ago.

  • Author Replies
    • #52280

      Is Graphic Design a Good Career Choice?

    • #52282

      In Short YES!!

      Graphics designing is a cool line with great opportunities and scope.

      With a career in graphic design, you have the decision of working in advertising, publishing, public relations, media, industrial design, and scope of different businesses. Things like billboard designs, product packaging, and almost all that you take a gander at regularly that has pictures and words happening together were made by a Graphic Designer.

      Designers take a shot at the sites you visit, the Ads you see, the movies you watch, the games you play, and the bundling for the items you purchase. And keeping in mind that an eye for design can’t really be instructed, most Graphic Designers have gone to a craftsmanship or design school to get where they are in their careers.

      There are a few distinct ways you can take as a Designer: –

      1) Advertising agency
      2) Design Firm
      3) Corporate Marketing or In House Designer
      4) Freelancer

      You can join a good Graphics Design Services giving organization or work as an independent Graphic Designer to profit. Graphic design is essential to convey information and engage people.

      Expectation the above information will help so as to start a career in Graphic Design.

      All the best!!

    • #55175

      Which has a more promising career viewpoint: Graphic design or Animation?

    • #55176

      The pros, cons or salary doesn’t matter so much. You have to pick the one you are more interested in and good. You will have a promising career as long as you enjoy the work you do and thrive to learn every day.
      When it comes to graphic design you’re going to be dealing with graphics like Branding, Advertisement, Interface Design, Character Design etc.
      And in animation, you deal mostly with motion and there are types of animation like 2D, 3D motion, stop motion. If you want to make cartoons then you have to be skilled in drawings, color theory, anatomy, lights & shades. I suggest, looking for the skills and interest you have more towards a particular subject. Go through the basic practicals of both and then decide your way.

    • #55624

      Further career paths in graphic designing.

    • #55625

      There are huge opportunities if you are experienced in graphic designing. Here are few of them,
      1. Marketing Manager
      Marketing Managers are expected to oversee all aspects of the mix, from a brochure and website design to written communications.
      2. Letterpress Printer
      Letterpress printing is likely to be on the list of dream careers for many. Being a highly skilled practice, it takes time to develop the trade.
      3. 3D Illustrator
      Having good making skills is only half of what is really necessary when it comes to this kind of work. You also need to be good at communicating your ideas and carefully planning your projects.
      4. Surface Pattern Designer
      5. Packaging Designer

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