You Can Use Your Social Media Account For Marketing! Want To Know How? We’ll Tell You!

All of the brands have their own techniques in promoting their events/tips etc. Many big companies use social media as a big part of promoting them. Creating a Facebook page or tweeting about all their improvements is a big part in every company’s development.
For example, using hashtags is the most common way of attracting attention to a post! Companies use specific hashtags to make their posts automatically recognizable to their fans and followers. For instance, Samsung uses the hashtag #SamsungTips whenever they share information about their products or other helpful content.
Also, brands use Facebook covers to promote their events. They may leave it as it is for consistency but many brands change the Facebook cover regularly in order to showcase new events or improvements the brand has made. For example, once, Guitar Center had posted a video on YouTube in order to promote their upcoming event. The same day, they also changed the Facebook cover to help their event even more!
Moreover, if any brand has a new product to promote, where is it better than on social media? Many companies post a Facebook update and photo about their new product. They may even share it on multiple social medias which will make the word spread a lot faster!
Whether it’s to buy, save or explore, brands ask their followers to take action with a few carefully placed words! For example, Kohl’s made a Facebook update with the message “Save online with code FALLFB10 or in store with the pass. That way, the offer they made was claimed by 31,227 people on Facebook! So, whatever the call to action is, brands will always try to keep it short and simple.
Moreover, more and more brands have started creating interest by using Instagram! As it has the fastest growth of the top 10 mobile apps, Instagram is one of the best ways for brands to advertise. So known brands can get even more than 59,000 likes on a single post which is a great way to boost your post/product.
Large brands have a lot more time to dedicate to the social media strategy than other small businesses. Each brand has their own technique to advertise but all of them will always use social media. Social media is the most powerful place on which all kind of brands can advertise and expect for people to see and appreciate!
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