
Will redirects affect SEO?

This thread contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Administrator 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    • #51528

      Will redirects affect SEO?

      Pratik Nakrani

    • #51529

      Redirects are a natural part of linking between content on your site. That said, 301 redirects pass anywhere between 90-99% of link equity (read: ranking power) to the redirected page. So, if you’ve moved a piece of content between different pages, and all those redirects are still in place, you might be reducing some load speed/link equity. It’s a good idea to eliminate those redundant intermediaries.

      Still, not all redirects are created equal. 301 redirects, in which a page is moved permanently, are the most SEO-friendly redirects. They pass between 90-99% of link equity. 302 redirects, which indicate a temporarily redirected page, pass less link equity. Meta refreshes are redirects that take place on the page level, rather than the server level. These are most commonly associated with the text, “If you are not redirected in five seconds, click here.” Meta refreshes pass some link equity but are not a recommended SEO tactic.

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