Every application must have AndroidManifest.xml file in the root directory. It contains the information about your app and provides the same to the Android system.
The information includes the package name, Android components such as Activity, Services, Broadcast Receivers, Content Providers, etc. Every Android system must have this information before running any app code.
AndroidManifest.xml file performs the following tasks:
– It gives a name to the Java package and this name is a unique identifier for the application.
– It describes the various components of the application which include Activity, Services, Content Providers, etc. Also, it defines the classes which implement these components.
– It is responsible to protect the application and it declares the permission for accessing the protected part of the app.
– It also declares the Android API which is going to be used by the application.
– It includes the library file details which are used and linked to the application.
Nitesh Bavishiya