
What is Google Hawk

This thread contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Ritika 6 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author Replies
    • #20327

      Can somebody elaborate about Google Hawk. I would love to get information about that

      Chief Operating Officer - A Brand Owned by WebConnect Private Limited

    • #34841

      All I know is that this Google update has caused direct impact local SERPs. I’d really like to get an overview on the same.

    • #37768

      Google Hawk is an algo update that rolled out in August 2017. The update directly impacted local search results by modifying the way local filter works.

      Let me back up a little bit..

      Google normally clears out duplicate listings from local results, thus, ensuring multiple listings of same company do not monopolize the results. However, in 2016, the Possum update introduced a significant change. Instead of just filtering out listings that shared the same phone number or website, Google began filtering out listings that were physically located near each other. So, if another business in your industry was in the same building as you — or even down the street from you — that could cause you to get filtered out of local search results.
      In August 2017, Google refined the proximity filter to make it stricter. It still appears to be filtering out businesses in the same building, but it is not filtering out as many businesses that are close by.

      Why name it Hawk?
      Simply because hawk eat possums!

      An SEO executive who loves trying latest SEO tactics and exploring the field of Digital Marketing

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