
Use case testing

This thread contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Urvish 6 years ago.

  • Author Replies
    • #51417

      What is Use Case Testing?

    • #51418

      Use Case:
      A use case is a description of the process which is performed by the end user for a specific task. The Use case contains a sequence of a step which is performed by the end user to complete a particular task or a step by step process that describe how the application and end-user associated with each other. The Use case is written by the user point of view.

      Use case Testing:
      The Use case testing uses this use case to evaluate the software. So that, the tester can examine all the functionalities of the application. Use case testing covering whole application, tester performs this testing in step by step process to complete one task.

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