
Teachers Lounge

This thread contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Kiran 6 years ago.

  • Author Replies
    • #51958

      As there is a student lounge, Is there a teachers lounge also?

    • #51959

      Yes, there is. Not all of the universities have but yes there is.

    • #52208

      What do teachers talk about in the teacher’s lounge?

    • #52215

      Actually, Teachers do regularly share information about different students, typically to illuminate different teachers or heads about the experiences or needs of a said student

      They will discuss the parent who never helps their kid with homework, at that point whines their child is failing math.

      What’s more, a few the teacher’s a discussion about

      1) Breakfast.
      2) Traffic.
      3) The next class.
      4) Helping each other to remember an occasion.
      5) Which student in an unfortunate situation and why?
      6) Requesting guardians.
      7) Softboard thoughts.
      8) How the children made do with additional curricular classes.
      9) How that one child despises performing.
      10) I have class in five minutes.

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