
How to design a Flat Countdown Timer in Adobe Photoshop?

This thread contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Anna 5 years, 4 months ago.

  • Author Replies
    • #52997

      How to design a Flat Countdown Timer in Adobe Photoshop?

    • #53000

      1. Create a new document in Photoshop & create guidelines by just dragging some guides from the Ruler Tool.
      2. Using the Ellipse Tool (U) create shape & hide the fill layer and add stroke & color.
      3. Zoom and create a 1px line using the Line Tool (U) starting from the top edge of the circle down to the middle.
      4. Press Ctrl + Alt + T and you will see a transform control. Move that to the bottom edge of the line by holding the Alt key on the keyboard and clicking and dragging it to the very bottom.
      5. While the transform control is still there change the value of the Rotation to 10 degrees and press enter twice.
      6. Now press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + T & continue pressing the keys until you have a spiral line shape. Then change the color to white.
      7. Duplicate the base first/base shape that we’ve created and placed it at the very top of the layers panel. This will serve as the rotation indicator.
      8. Mask the part you want to hide and make sure it matches with the desired day, time, min, sec that we will put it.
      9. Using the Text Tool (T) add a number for the desired day, time, min, sec and add the right label to it.
      10. Group the layers that we’ve created and duplicate it four times and align them horizontally by adding a 20px gap between each timer

    • #61065

      Great thoughts, I thank you for the useful materials.

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