
How many different types is OK to use on a website?

This thread contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Darshan Rathod 6 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author Replies
    • #52217

      How many different types is OK to use on a website?

    • #52221


      Some fonts work together nicely and look good on the same page. To combine two fonts well we need to see for similarities and differences between them (serifs, historic background, x-height, thickness, aperture, stroke contrast).

      As a good general rule of thumb, two fonts work well together if they are either similar except for one important thing (analogous fonts), or if they’re very different but have one thing in common to connect them (complementary fonts). It thinks that is always good for the two fonts to have equal x-heights (the height of a lowercase “x” compared to the uppercase “X” of the same font-size) in common.

      Combining fonts that look too similar should be avoided (like combining Helvetica with Lucida Grande or Arial with Verdana).

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