
Google Lighthouse

This thread contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Administrator 6 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author Replies
    • #50949

      I observe that Google recently changes page speed insights to the lighthouse; So, How to Run Google Lighthouse & check website page performance?

      Pratik Nakrani

    • #50953

      Hello Pratik,

      It’s very simple to use it by using Google Chrome extension and it’s just through the click of a button on chrome extension of Google lighthouse.

      To run Google lighthouse as a Chrome extension follow the below Steps :

      Step 1:
      Install Google chrome lighthouse extension from a chrome web store.

      Step 2:
      To perform an Audit in chrome go to the preferred web page you want to perform an audit.

      Step 3:
      After installing lighthouse extension on chrome browser it will show you an icon of Google lighthouse extension at top right corner; just click on it.

      Step 4:
      after clicking on it the lighthouse menu expands; After expanding Google chrome lighthouse extension just click on Generate report

      Step 5:
      Lighthouse will run an audit and generate reports in a new external tab for you with performance and audit report.

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