
Career Skills

This thread contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Kiran 6 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author Replies
    • #50983

      What knowledge and skills a student should have to start it’s career as a web administrator?

    • #50984

      Hello there,
      -If you are talking about skills then,
      Critical thinking, complex problem solving, active listening, instructing, system analysis, active learning, service orientation, learning strategies, monitoring are the skills can be very helpful to a student to start his/her career as a web admin.
      – Require Knowledge to be a web admin
      computer and electronics, telecommunications, Clerical(Knowledge of managing files and records, stenography and transcription).

    • #51013

      What are the key skills and qualification required to start a career in IT consulting?

    • #51016

      Hello There,
      If you are asking for qualification then,
      -Bachelor’s Degree(Min) in IT or Computer Science
      -Experience of at least 1 year.
      And the skills can be below:
      – Ability to work independently or with a team, good communication skills, productivity, creative software, and word processing experience, technical understanding of computer systems and networks.

    • #51048

      List some fundamental skills required to start a career in animation.

    • #51049

      – Creativity & Imagination
      – Patience and attention to detail
      – Drawing skills
      – Computer knowledge and familiarity with graphics software
      – Communication and presentation skills
      – Ability to meet deadlines and work as part of a team

    • #51827

      What is more important to make a successful career? Having skills or a Degree?

    • #51828

      The answer is both.
      Having a degree is not sufficient to find a great job. Successful people admit that having skills are more important than having a degree.

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