
Career options in IT Sector

This thread contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Kiran 6 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author Replies
    • #51879

      What are the best career options in IT Sector?

    • #51881

      IT sector is one of the booming and the most lucrative industry to join in the year 2019. With its growing demand, this attracts a myriad number of individuals every year and has emerged as one of the best career sectors to join. IT industry is home to a plethora of job professions.

      This world works on information and technology so much, that the career options in IT sector have grown to exponential numbers in modern times.

      However, each job profile needs a particular qualification and demands a few years of work experience. The qualification one might have, but it is not always easy to have the work experience.

      Job profiles in the IT sector that will boost you build a great career

      Web Designer Job
      Game Developer Job
      Application Developer
      Website Developer Job
      Data Entry Operator
      Tech Support Staff Job

      I recommend you see what topics you enjoy and love, and go for it. Doesn’t matter if it is literature, or music, or art, or maths, or science. As long as you love it, you’ll have the best career.

    • #51883

      What can some alternate careers for a software engineer especially in India?

    • #51884

      Very interesting question
      your answer is here,
      1. If you don’t want to code and want to rotate in the same field then testing is not a bad option.
      2. Software Consultant
      3. To teach our future software engineers-You’ll get to know new different subjects as you’ll get to learn and teach different – different subjects to your students.
      4. Do Blogging
      5. Business System Analyst

    • #52188

      Which option is better for an IT student if he/she doesn’t have any experience?

    • #52189

      It can be possible that sometimes you have that knowledge and qualification but doesn’t have work experience, so doesn’t able to get that particular job.
      -In this case, you can do one thing. Just convenience an interviewer that you have that knowledge and you are able to accept that job/position. Just show your key skills, practical skills, and knowledge.
      -And if you are not interested to go for any programming language then I must say Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, IOT, Machine Learning these all are vast fields and are the future of IT. Get some basic knowledge on these, find your interested topic and go for further. It’ll really give you a shining future in IT. It’s not that hard to learn any of the topics if you’ll develop your logic and have that problem-solving attitude.
      Great to give this question’s answer. Thank you for asking.

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