
Atomic Design & Its Components

This thread contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Rakesh 4 years, 11 months ago.

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    • #62630

      What Is Atomic Design And Its Five Components?

    • #62631

      Atomic design is a methodology composed of five distinct stages working together to create interface design systems more deliberately and hierarchically.

      Here I have explained Five Components Of Atomic Design:

      Atoms: These are the smallest and most basic building blocks. These are applied to web interfaces as labels, input fields, text boxes, buttons, etc.

      Molecules: When atoms are combined, we get molecules: groups of atoms, bonded together that are the smallest fundamental units of a compound.

      Organisms: Organisms are formed by using molecules as our building blocks. When molecules are joined together, it becomes a relatively complex and distinct section of interfaces that have been created an organism.

      Templates: This stage should already make sense to clients. Understandably, templates are mostly groups of organisms put together to form pages

      Pages: This is used as specific instances of templates to give a precise understanding of what the final output will look like.

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