
Angular js related to ui

This thread contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Hitesh 6 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author Replies
    • #18343

      How angular js is related to ui design ?

    • #45331

      AngularJS It is a structural framework for dynamic web applications. A hybrid HTML/JavaScript framework that simplifies building web applications against RESTful web services for a complete and amenable enterprise solution. It allows you extend HTML’s syntax to express your application’s components succinctly in a clear manner



      1. Security.
      2. Declarative User Interface.
      3. Integration.
      4. Data Binding.
      5. Less Coding.

    • #50596

      Angular JS is how the user interacts with the application. UI plays a crucial role in data visualization. AngularJS very effective in terms of creating dynamic and single page application.

      Benefits of Angular JS:
      -The framework does not require additional coding.
      -You can simply include attributes in HTML.
      -Designers can also easily learn markups.
      -Build cost is less compared to other.
      -It’s having ready to use templates.

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