
Alert Box V/S Confirmation Box

This thread contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Hitesh 5 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author Replies
    • #53265

      What Is The Difference Between An Alert Box And A Confirmation Box?

    • #53267

      Alert Box:

      1) Alerts you by giving some information. It very well may be useful, cautioning, an error message or whatever else yet just information. Alert, for the most part, have just a single button OK or it tends to be a self-shutting streak message/popup also.

      2) It demonstrates the client some alert like a warning for example Battery low, Uploads Complete, and so forth.

      3) An alarm box shows just a single button which is the OK button.

      Confirm Box:

      1) Confirms you by giving some information or question. You will require to take some choice.

      2) E.g. for confirmation like “Would you say you are certain you need to erase this representative record?” You will require to take a choice on whether you need to submit erasure of a representative record. Confirm typically have buttons like OK-Cancel, Yes.

      3) No, Abort-Cancel-Retry types. You read the confirmation being asked and after that give your proposal to the system by clicking proper button accessible in the confirmation box.

      4) It requests a contribution from the client to process further i.e Are you sure pop-up, Download confirmation, etc.

      5) Confirm box shows two buttons, in particular, OK and cancel.

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