Easy Basic Checklist For SEO Evaluation

If you do not have an adequate experience, a new SEO project can be startling and difficult to manage. That is why you should enrol into the best digital marketing institute in Gujarat to advance your SEO skills. As a beginner, you may find it hard to see the best approach. There are many things you can do, lots of directions to take and losing focus will not be something strange at first.
Until you have adequate experience, which you can gain after opting for our advanced SEO course, you should use a simple plan to guide you on choosing the right way of performing SEO.
Below mentioned is a list to help you cover all the important areas to audit your website. It is important to acknowledge the fact that a website audit is done from several perspectives:
- Design
- User content
- Technical
- Content
These areas are close to one another, in fact, they are connected and influence each other upto a great extent. Therefore, if you perform SEO, you will have to pay attention to aspects that will affect your performance and feedback.
Below are tasks performed in all the areas, grouped with impact over the SEO strategy planning.
Technical approach
Do not skip these steps before starting your work on the SEO of the website to avoid any alterations further:
- Check whether the Google Webmaster Tools account is active or not
- Check whether the Bing Webmaster Tools account is active or not
- Check for the hosting of the site
- Take note of the site speed and loading time (response time has to be less than 200 milliseconds)
- See if the site is working on all the browsers
- Is flash used in a website
- The links used are static or dynamic
- XML Sitemaps files are proper or not
Design & User Experience
Beyond your SEO duties, website design should be your primary concern. Website’s page hierarchy, readability, content structure and the amount of advertisements on a page are crucial to have a prolific background for your work.
Get in touch with the website designer and ensure that you are able to further collaborate in order to achieve the best results.
Technical SEO
You will need to first check the condition of your website’s relationship with search engines. The results will help you to see how you can take over the results:
- Existing search engine penalties
- Duplicate content across the internet
- Hidden text or links
- Check indexed pages which include robots.txt, robots meta tags –nofollow, noindex – and accessibility
- Check for 4xxx errors and 5xx errors
- Canonical tags are used or not
- Proper use of 301s and 302s redirects
- Finally check if the Google Analytics Account is working properly
SEO structure
A sketch overview of your website’s SEO is needed. You will need to check what was done and what needs to be done in order to see the work that awaits you.
- Evaluate currently targeted keyword
- Conduct a new research when the need arises
- Determine a list of terms worth optimization
- Analyse and correlate the landing pages of the website with keywords you select
- Decide on the pages you would like to keep, the pages you would wish to be removed and the pages you want to create.
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